Gen Lobsang Tashi

Fall session - October: Karma in our daily life and meditation

Gen Lobsang Tashi, our resident teacher, will be giving an introduction on Karma, its different aspects, and how to apply understanding of karma at each moment of our daily life. Because the perception of pain or pleasure of all phenomena is based on the principle of cause and effect, studying karma is necessary to find a balance in our emotional life day after day. Understanding the law of Karma can help us in every aspect of our lives, from family to health and wealth, and at the community and societal levels. With such knowledge we can serve better others and contribute to peace and harmony in our societies.


  • Saturdays Oct 8, 22 and 29
  • 2-4 PM


Day 1 - KARMA & PREJUDGING:  Realizations and deeper understanding of the law of Karma may help us reduce PREJUDGING of others and phenomenas.

Day 2 – KARMA & RESOLUTIONS OF CONFLICTS: Developing understanding of the law of karma and applying these realizations step by step in our lives can provide best and constructive RESOLUTIONS of any kind of conflict.

Day 3 – KARMA & LETTING GO: The result of practicing according to a deep understanding of the law of causality is to finally achieve the power of LETTING GO.

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